Interpersonal Skills, Talents, Strengths, and more
Introduction to Building Better Relationships |
Your Greatest Strengths
SOCIAL STYLE® is the world’s leading Behavioral Style model. It has been used by thousands of organizations to improve leadership performance and sales results.
The Introduction to SOCIAL STYLE® is a four-hour course that covers the key concepts of SOCIAL STYLE & Versatility. This class teaches the basics of understanding one’s own behavior and recognizing and working with the behaviors of others. The class instructor leads participants through what SOCIAL STYLE consists of, how SOCIAL STYLE can be effectively used in home and work settings, and a series of exercises. The instructor will present this material through a facilitated discussion on how to apply the SOCIAL STYLE model to their specific situations. The purpose of SOCIAL STYLE education and training is to develop an understanding of how to achieve better relationships, thereby increasing personal and workplace productivity. Materials are included in the cost for this course. The cost of the seminar is based on individual or couple registration CoachingRelationships and your strengthsThere are several sessions from which you can choose.
The sessions are based on Gallup's StrengthFinder Assessment reports and Tracom's SOCIAL STYLE AWARENESS education and training.
This is a 1 1/2 hour introduction to a behavioral model called SOCIAL STYLE AWARENESS® combined with Gallup’s Strengths.
The objective of this seminar is two-fold; build better relationships with others and value our unique talents and strengths as being more than good enough. Each participant will become able to identify his/her unique behavioral style and will learn how to identify another person’s unique behavioral style. From knowing these styles of behavior, the participant will learn how each person who exhibits a style of behavior prefers to be approached, treated, and worked with. This leads to better understanding of our selves and others, which leads fewer conflicts and feelings of frustration or rejection and therefore it leads to better relationships. Each participant will begin to know and appreciate the value of their unique talents and strengths. It is from these talents and strengths that we go beyond feeling not good enough, to recognizing that we are good enough, and then to soar to our unique place in our world by engaging our unique talents and strengths. Each participant will receive a handout of the Power Point presentation. The cost of the seminar is based on individual or couple registration. Understanding and Managing Behavioral DifferencesUnderstanding and Managing Behavioral Differences is a one-day course that explores our popular and proven models of SOCIAL STYLE and Versatility, emphasizing improved interpersonal skills and workplace interactions. Through a series of exercises, videos, and facilitated discussions, participants will discover how to enhance workplace productivity and morale.
Participants will learn to identify each of the four SOCIAL STYLEs and the best plans of action to work with and accommodate each. Through exercises, participants will pinpoint areas of tension and understand the reason for backup behavior, which can ultimately lead to toxic relationships if left unchecked. Your employees will also be able to describe the Versatility dimension and define sources of social endorsement while identifying the steps to take to increase their Versatility and success at work. The one-day format allows for maximum participation and workplace application training, while fitting within time restrictions. The cost of the seminar is based on individual or couple registration. Materials are included in the cost for this course |
George E. Willock
WillockWLC, LLC
49794 AL 49, Cragford, AL 36255
Phone: 334.444.9523
email: [email protected]
WillockWLC, LLC
49794 AL 49, Cragford, AL 36255
Phone: 334.444.9523
email: [email protected]